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What fonts are similar to Core Sans GS 85 Heavy Italic? 100 Free fonts alternatives to Core Sans GS 85 Heavy Italic

Free Fonts considered similar to Core Sans GS 85 Heavy Italic include Hussar Bold Oblique Two, Poland Can Into Big Writings Italic, Hussar Nova ExtraBold Italic, Typo Formal Demo Bold Italic, Readiness ExtraBold Italic. These fonts feature features bold, rounded characters with a smooth, italicized style. The letters are evenly spaced and have a modern, friendly appearance. The numbers and special characters maintain the same bold and rounded aesthetic, ensuring consistency across all glyphs.

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37. Lean

Lean Sample
Free > Personal Use
Lean font

39. Souses

Souses Sample
Free > Personal Use
Souses font
Fonts similar to Core Sans GS 85 Heavy Italic

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