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What fonts are similar to Athelas Regular? 100 Free fonts alternatives to Athelas Regular

Free Fonts considered similar to Athelas Regular include Linux Libertine, Libertinus Serif Display, Libertinus Serif, Linux Libertine O, Linux Libertine Display Capitals. These fonts feature features elegant, classic serif styling with moderate contrast between thick and thin strokes. The characters are well-proportioned, offering a timeless and readable appearance.

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Using a catalog of over 990K+ fonts (commercial or free) and our font finder AI, we are able to display over 60 fonts for every image uploaded. Give it a try!

32. Buenard

Buenard Sample
Free > Personal Use
Buenard font

55. Ovo

Ovo Sample
Free > Personal Use
Ovo font

64. Fungi

Fungi Sample
Free > Personal Use
Fungi font

70. Fanwood

Fanwood Sample
Free > Personal Use
Fanwood font

84. Alice

Alice Sample
Free > Personal Use
Alice font

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